The RIYC HILL-WALKING GROUP meets one Saturday a month from October to April. The hikes are generally 12 - 13km in distance with the total ascent in the region of 500m. Depending on the fitness of the group, the duration will be between 4 and 4.5 hours. The emphasis is on enjoyment without any 'extreme’ hikes. The pace is medium, and we wait for everyone to catch up and catch their breath! This group is for RIYC Members only.

All of the current participants have hillwalking experience, and their fitness level allows them to complete the hikes as described above. The key is in the name of the Group “Hillwalking”. Walking on the flat is very different. If you would like to try to assess your own fitness for the hills, try walking from the bottom car park at Ticknock up to the Three Rock masts. That’s just under 200 meters of climbing. Our hikes could be similar to doing that 2 - 3 times, just not over the same ground.

If you are an RIYC Club Member and are interested in joining the Hill Walking group, please contact Trina here [email protected]. If you would like to be included on the Group WhatsApp please include your mobile number. 

For more general information on hiking and hiking equipment you can check out the Mountaineering Ireland website via the following link:

Please note; Out of concern for sheep and farmers, dogs are not permitted on hikes. Hillwalking by its nature involves some risk and anyone choosing to participate in the same does so of their own volition. They will not be covered by the RIYC or any other persons by way of insurance.

2024/25 Dates:
October 26th
November 23rd
January 18th
Febuary 15th
March 22nd
April 26th
Contact [email protected] if you wish to join in.

The success of the group depends on sharing the Lead. 
We need a Leader for 5 walks to take us to their favourite hilltop or lead one of our extensive back catalogues of routes over the last few years. Please contact Trina here [email protected] to volunteer.


Saturday 25th February
Seven early risers met at Curtlestown wood car park before 9am. Our route was led by Virginia Costello and took us along the Wicklow way, up to Price Williams Seat. We descended and crossed to Ravens Rock for a sandwich break. We then took a circuitous route back along the forest track, and with some consultation of maps, compass, and GPS, made our way through unmarked dense woodland to the Wicklow way and back to our start point. Approx 11k and we were back in the Club in time for lunch and the Ireland v Italy kick off at 2.15.  

January 2023 Walk
We had 10 Club members out and a stunningly beautiful day. The walk was led by Michael Sadler and based around a trial provided kindly by Terry Leonard, as the map attached. We deviated slightly as the mood took us, with a slightly longer loop to the summit of Maulin and returned on the 'easier' path to paddock pond. In all approximately 4 hours in the hills including a stop for tea and Christmas cake!

Saturday 5th March, 2022
We had the magnificent 7 on our penultimate hike of the 21/22 series. Our route was from Glencree, Lower Lough Bray, Upper Lough Bray, Eagles’ Crag, Kippure track and back to the cars.  The Stats might suggest that it was a walk in the park, but the bodies probably told a different story the following day. There was an arctic wind on the higher ground combined with soggy boggy terrain, the need to negotiate two river crossings and regularly lift the legs higher than on previous hikes. The weather was otherwise good and the stunning vistas made it all worth while.


Saturday 12th February, 2022   

We had 10 hikers yesterday in good weather conditions, contrary to what the forecasts indicated. The route was, Tibradden Wood (Zipit) Car Park across the R116, over the Crooked Bridge, along the Owenthrasna river, up on to Cruagh Mountain, White Sands Mountain, tracks via Kilakee and Cruagh Wood back to cars. The terrain included forest tracks, mountain tracks and some rough ground.  


Saturday 8th January, 2022
The hike went from Tibradden Wood car park via tracks either side of Tibradden, up to Fairy Castle, Three Rock, Kilmashogue and back via the other side of Tibradden Mountain. We had 12 participants and enjoyed lovely weather despite the awful forecast.


Saturday 4th December, 2021
The walking group had a really nice hike in Glendalough on Saturday 4th December, even if it was crisp and very windy on the exposed sections of the route. The route was from the car park to the Green Road, forest paths and tracks to Derrybawn Mtn (474m), along the Derrybawn Ridge and back to the car park via Boleylug, the WW and Poulanass.  It’s about 13km, 460m ascent and took approximately 4.5 hours. The terrain includes forest tracks, open mountain tracks and some rough ground.

Saturday 6th November, 2021
Despite blustery and wet conditions we had 12 on Saturday’s hike from Glendalough Visitors Centre car park. We covered 11.5km involving a cumulative climb of 470m through the Glendasan forest, over Brockagh Mountain, back through Glenmacnass forest and a return to the cars via the Wicklow Way. The hike took 4 hours which included about 20 minutes for a lunch break.

Saturday 9 October, 2021

Our first outing of 2021. It was a great hike today in lovely weather with 10 enthusiastic sailors. A fairly gentle start to the series to get the legs used to the notion of a hill. I will add more ascent for next month. Stats and track attached. Thanks to Trina, who managed to capture the essence of the autumnal atmosphere in her photo below. 

Saturday 4 January 2020
The hike started at the Longhill Car Park on the far side of Enniskerry  and went through Djouce Woods, passing Paddock Ponds with great views of Djouce and Maulin mountains, the Dargle river and Powerscourt Waterfall. There were also great views of Killiney Bay, Shankill and Bray. It was damp to start with but the weather improved as the hike progressed.

Saturday 7 December -  Our hike was to Maulin. There were 16 on Saturday’s hike on, what turned out to be, a beautiful day. It was very gusty on top of Maulin which made the ascent somewhat challenging. 


Saturday 9th November - Our hike was in and around the village of Rathdrum. Despite a suspect weather forecast 17 brave sailors joined up for a very pleasant walk which started in Ballygannon Wood, home to one of the 16 Millennium forests. We progressed along the west bank of the Avonmore river, which was very much in spate, to the Avondale forest which contains the home of Charles Stewart Parnell, built in 1777 by Samuel Hayes, now the Parnell Museum. Other highlights included Rathdrum village and the Famine Graveyard. The group retired to the Avoca restaurant at Mount Usher for a deserved treat.


Saturday 5th October - Our hike to Massey estate and the Hellfire Club went well, with 9 of us enjoying a beautiful morning before the rain set in. We retired to the Merry Ploughboy for soups/coffee etc. 

Saturday 13 April - The Hillwalking Group had a great final hike for this season in the Devil’s Glen, taking in Glanmore Castle, built in 1806 for F M Synge by the renown architect of the period, Francis Johnston and along part of the Seamus Heaney walk where the poet spent a lot of time during his career. The walk features extracts of the Nobel Prize winning poet's work which are inscribed on benches en route.

The hike was 13.5km with about 500m of climbing and took under 4 hours

Saturday 9 March
11 people participated on Saturday’s hike from Shankill, along a section of the Dublin Mountain Way, over to Carrickgollogan, out to Barnaslingen and back vis the lead mines chimney. It was a fabulous day and conditions were almost perfect, despite some concern about the forecast. We learned about the Fossaroe Crosses and the history of the lead mines smelter in Ballycorus.  Here are some photos and hike stats:

Saturday 16 February
Our last hike was postponed for a week due to weather. There were 7 on the hike last Saturday in reasonably good conditions but with a gale on Djouce.


Saturday 5 January
Stepaside, Fernhill Gardens, Three Rock, Two Rock, Fairy Castle
15 walkers in total. The weather was fantastic and everyone enjoyed it. 9 retired to the Step Inn for refreshments after the event.


WEEK 3 Ballylug

The third walk was held on Saturday December 1st and had 12 participants.

WEEK 2 Oldbridge

The second hike was on Saturday 10th November and had 6 participants.



WEEK  1 Curtlestown

The first hike was on Saturday 6th October and had 11 participants